The 2024 Extreme Book Nerd challenge launches on January 12, 2024, and runs through December 26, 2024.
Click HERE to register! You must register to be eligible to receive the completion prize.
2024 Extreme Book Nerd Challenge rules, categories, and tracking form
50 books in 50 weeks in 50 categories*
Books must be read between January 12, 2024 to December 26, 2024.
Only one book per category for a total of 50 books in 50 weeks, to be completely read by December 26th.
Must be a Mountain Home Public Library cardholder to be eligible to win the completion prize.
Library card cannot be expired or have over $9.99 in fines.
All books read for the challenge must be recorded with the title, author, and date finished for each book listed with each category.
Reading logs are available for print on our website or can be picked up from the front desk at the library.
You may use any tracking form you wish as long as it can be printed and includes the title, author, and finished date of each book and the category it falls under.
Books for other reading programs and book clubs can be counted toward this challenge as long as they fit into one of the categories (i.e., winter reading programs, book clubs, etc.) and have been completely read by December 26th.
Audiobooks may be used for any category unless otherwise noted.
Books must be rated at a sixth-grade reading level or higher to be counted toward the challenge.
Tracking forms will NOT be accepted after December 26, 2024.
Competition Prize:
Participants who finish all 50 books from all 50 categories and turn in their printed tracking sheet no later than December 26th will receive an exclusive throw blanket with the 2024 Extreme Book Nerd logo on it AND a Mountain Home Public Library “black card” metal library card. (“black cards” are only issued for the first time a challenge is completed)
2024 Extreme Book Nerd Challenge rules, categories, and tracking form
2024 Extreme Book Nerd Categories:
1. a book about music or a musician.
2. a book that celebrates friendship.
3. a book that has been on your “To Be Read” list for a long time.
4. a ghost story.
5. a Playaway audiobook.
6. a true crime book.
7. a Young Adult novel.
8. a book read by the Mountain Home Library Book Club in 2024.
9. a book that contains photographs.
10. a book by an Australian author.
11. a book whose cover has the author’s name in larger print than the title.
12. a book written by a Nobel Prize winner.
13. a book received through the Lynx Courier Service.
14. a book published in 2024.
15. a book with a deckled edge.
16. a book recommended by a person you have just recently met.
17. a book with a black and white cover.
18. a book with a subtitle.
19. a book with at least 4 different points of view.
20. a book with a green spine.
21. a book by an author whose last name ends in a vowel.
22. a movie novelization book. (movie to book, instead of book to movie)
23. nonfiction and a fiction book about the same topic (nonfiction).
24. nonfiction and a fiction book about the same topic (fiction).
25. a book with or about an explorer.
26. a book about a U.S. President.
27. a book you found using Whichbook. (Available at under the “Your Next Read” tab)
28. a mystery with a detective.
29. a book about a book.
30. a banned or challenged book published within the last 5 years.
31. a book with royalty.
32. a book that feeds your wanderlust.
33. a book with a wedding in it.
34. a book by a local author.
35. a book about a person of color that celebrates joy, not trauma.
36. an audiobook by a comedian.
37. a book with a dinosaur on the cover.
38. a book written in epistolary (written letters) or diary format.
39. a novella. (Shorter than a novel but longer than a short story)
40. a book about or by a woman in STEM.
41. a book you love…read it again.
42. a book with “House” or “Home” in the title.
43. a book you finish in one day.
44. a book with a title that matches the lyrics of a song.
45. a book dedicated to someone other than a family member.
46. a book with secrets.
47. a Nordic noir. (A Scandinavian crime fiction)
48. a book from a library display.
49. a Newbery Medal Winner.
50. a book set during a holiday you don’t normally celebrate.
*Categories can be read in any order.
Join our Mountain Home Public Library Extreme Book Nerds Facebook page to stay connected with fellow Book Nerds and to share book recommendations!
Frequently asked questions:
Q: How do I tell if a book is rated at a 6th-grade reading level or high?
A: Accelerated Reader Bookfinder ( ) is located on our website ( ) under the “Kid Zone” tab. The first number of the BL is the grade level. For example, BL: 8.2 is an eighth-grade reading level and 6.7 is a sixth-grade reading level.
Scholastic’s book wizard tool ( ) is a great tool for looking up the reading levels of books. It is very easy to use.
Minnesota State University Library Guide
( ) is another tool that has been recommended.
Unless the book is a children’s book/book chosen from the children’s section, you may assume that you are safe. ; )
Q: Can local authors be Idaho authors or do they need to be from Mountain Home/Treasure Valley?
A: Any Idaho author will work but if the author happens to be from Mountain Home then that is even better.
Q: How do I know what the Library Book Club is reading in 2024?
A: Our website calendar has the Library Book Club’s book selection for each month through December.
Q: Do we have to complete one book a week or just fifty books throughout the year?