ABC Mouse (Access available on library computers only)
ABCmouse offers the most comprehensive digital learning platform for children ages 2–8. Its award-winning curriculum is distributed across several learning levels from toddler through 2nd grade and each level includes a variety of age-appropriate activities.
Accelerated Reader Bookfinder
AR Bookfinder provides the book level of over 100,000 books. Just type in the title of a book, topic, or author that you want to read, click go, and you will see the book level (BL) and the points (AR pts) for the book. If you want to look at a list of books to read, go to the advanced search and choose an Interest Level and an ATOS Book Level range.
Kid Friendly Websites
Looking for an age-appropriate website with stories and games?
LiLi (Libraries Linking Idaho)
Tools provided by the Idaho Commission for Libraries, with funding provided by the Library Services and Technologies Act through the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) provides you access to dozens of educational tools!